Product Life Cycle (PLC)


(Product Development/Biology) The four stages that a new product is thought to go through from birth to death: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. Controversy surrounds whether products do indeed go through such cycles in any systematic, predictable way.

product life cycle(Strategic Marketing) The product life cycle (PLC) has four premises:

• products have a limited life
• product sales pass through distinct stages, each stage having different implications for the seller
• profits from the product vary at different stages in the life cycle
• products require different strategies at different stages of the life cycle

Product Life Cycle Stages:

  1. Introduction—the slow sales growth that follows the introduction of a new product
  2. Growth—the rapid sales growth that accompanies product acceptance
  3. Maturity—the plateauing of sales growth when the product has been accepted by most potential buyers
  4. Decline—the decline of sales that results as the product is replaced (by a substitute) or as it goes into disfavor[1]

See also



  1. ^ American Marketing Association, AMA Dictionary. (May 2015)

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