Brand Name


brand generic definition

On this label “Farmboy’s” is the brand and “Barbeque Sauce: is the generic.

The brand name is that part of a brand that can be spoken. It includes letters, numbers, or words.

The brand mark is that part of a brand that cannot be spoken. It most commonly is a symbol, picture, design, distinctive lettering, color, or a combination of these.

[The term trademark covers all forms of brand (brand name, brand mark, etc.), but brand name is the form most often meant when trademark is used.]

A brand generic is the second half of a product‘s identifying title. Brand is the first half, and identifies one seller’s version, while the generic is the second half and identifies the general class of item. Example: Jello (brand) instant pudding (brand generic).  This is not to be confused with generic brand (such as some low-priced items in supermarkets), for which there is no individual brand.


  1. American Marketing Association, AMA Dictionary.

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