
sponsorship definitionDefinition

A sponsor is a company that pays a property or entity for the right to promote itself and its goods or services in association with the property/entity. [1]

Sponsorship refers to a cash or in-kind fee paid by a sponsor to a property or entity (e.g. a sports, entertainment, or non-profit event or organization) in return for access to the leverageable marketing resources associated with that property/entity. [2]

Sponsorship fit is the compilation of consumers’ subjective assessments of how well a sponsor and the sponsored property/entity (e.g. sports, entertainment or non-profit event or organization) match or fit together. [3]

See Also

Influencer marketing

MASB Sponsorship Accountability Series (Pace, Ebben, Christensen 2019-20)


  1. American Marketing Association, AMA Dictionary.
  2. Common Language in Marketing Project Team, 2018.
  3. Adapted from Fit & Authenticity in Sponsorship and other Horizontal Marketing Partnerships; T. Bettina Cornwell, University of Oregon.  MSI Lunch Lecture, August 1, 2019.

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