Calibrated Metric

calibrated metric definitionDefinition

A calibrated metric is one that is scaled (or scored) to be meaningful across a specified context such as a set of conditions, products, markets, or cultures. [1]

Some metrics – like foot traffic – do not need further calibration. Others require a calibration exercise to standardize their meaning across conditions.

Examples of metrics requiring calibration are attitudinal measures such as liking or purchase intention (which research has shown varies by culture).

“Calibrated” is one of the 10 Characteristics of an Ideal Metric designated by the Marketing Accountability Standards Board.

See Also

Causal metric
Objective metric
Quality assured metric
Relevant metric
Sensitive metric
Simple metric
Velocity metrics


  1. Accountable Marketing: Linking marketing actions to financial performance, 1st Edition; Eds. Stewart, David W. & Gugel, Craig; Routledge, 2016.
  2. Universal Marketing Dictionary Project, 2023.

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