Retailing is a set of business activities carried on to accomplish the sale of goods and services for purposes of personal, family or household use, whether performed in a store or by some form of nonstore selling. [1]
A retailer is a merchant middleman who is engaged primarily in selling to individual consumers and/or households. One retailer may operate a number of establishments. [1]
A retail store is a place of business (establishment)—open to and frequented by the general public—in which sales are made primarily to ultimate consumers, usually in small quantities, from merchandise inventories stored and displayed on the premises. [1]
A retail salesperson is a person employed by a retailer who is involved in selling products to the ultimate consumer in retail stores.
A retailer sales promotion demonstration is an exhibition of a product in use or in its ultimate form as an inducement to prospective purchasers. Examples are preparation and dispensing of food products in supermarkets, sampling of beverages in liquor stores, or demonstration of cooking equipment in department stores—all intended to call additional attention to the products. [1]
According to the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), retailer marketing recognizes that a true win-win for manufacturer, retailer and shopper would require specific shopper insights, collaborative planning and solutions between brand and retailer, such as shopper marketing, omni-channel and eCommerce. [2]
See Also
- ^ American Marketing Association, AMA Dictionary.
- ANA, Brand Activation Info.