

Advertising is the placement of announcements and messages in time or space (advertisements) by business firms, nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and individuals who seek to inform and/or persuade members of a particular target market or audience regarding their goods, services, organizations or ideas. [1]

The term advertiser refers to the company, organization, or individual who pays for advertising space or time to present an announcement or persuasive message to the public. [1]

Advocacy advertising is placed by businesses and other organizations to communicate a viewpoint about a controversial topic relating to the social, political, or economic environment. [1]

An advertising objective is a statement prepared by the advertiser (often in association with an advertising agency) to set forth specific goals to be accomplished and the time period in which they are to be accomplished. Objectives can be stated in such terms as products to be sold, number of trial purchases, number of repeat purchases, audience members reached, the frequency with which audience members are reached, and percentages of the audience made aware of the advertising or the product. [1]

An advertising ideaconcept, or theme serves as the organizing thought for an advertisement. Ideas are used to dramatize the product-related information conveyed in advertising. [1]

An advertising claim is a statement made in advertising about the benefits, characteristics, and/or performance of a product designed to persuade the customer to make a purchase. [1]

Advertising media are the various mass media that can be employed to carry advertising messages to potential audiences or target markets for goods, services, organizations or ideas. These include digital media, newspapers, magazines, direct mail advertising, radio, broadcast television, cable television, outdoor advertising, transit advertising, and specialty advertising. [1]

Advertising clutter refers to the extent to which multiple advertising messages compete for the consumer’s (limited) attention. It often is used to indicate multiple competing messages in a given time frame and medium (such as television). [1]

Advertising substantiation refers to the documentation by means of tests or other evidence of product performance claims made in advertising. Federal Trade Commission decisions indicate that it is a deceptive and/or unfair practice for advertisers to fail to possess reasonable documentation for product performance claims made in advertising messages before the claims are disseminated to the public. [1]

Advertising wearout is a term that describes the decline in effectiveness or selling power of an advertisement after exposure to the target audience. [2]

See Also

Advertising budget
Advertising impression
Advertising manager
Advertising strategy
Bait advertising


  1. American Marketing Association, AMA Dictionary.
  2. Blair, M. H. “An Empirical Investigation of Advertising Wearin and Wearout,” Journal of Advertising Research, 1988.

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