AED advertising elasticity of demand
AAU awareness, attitudes and usage
ABC activity-based costing
ABM account-based marketing
ACM automatic checkout machine
ACV all commodity volume
AHP analytical hierarchy process
AI artificial intelligence
AIDA attention-interest-desire-action
AIO activities-interest-opinions
ANOVA analysis of variance
AOG arrival of goods
AOR agency of record
APT Arbitrage Pricing Theory
ATR awareness-trial-repeat
B&M brick(s) and mortar
B2B business to business
B2C business to consumer
BDI Brand Development Index
BOGO buy one get one
BP/C brand preference/choice
BPI Buying Power Index
CAGR compound annual growth rate
CAI computer-assisted interviewing
CAPM capital asset pricing model
CBD cash before delivery
CCA capital consumption allowance
CDI Category Development Index
CFR cost and freight
CIA cash in advance
CIF cost insurance freight
CIR Continuous Improvement in Return
CLTV customer lifetime value
CLV customer lifetime value
CMA census metropolitan area
CMO chief marketing officer
CMSA consolidated metropolitan statistical area
COD cash on delivery / collect on delivery
CP customer profit
CPC cost per click
CPG consumer packaged good
CPI cost per impression
CPM cost per thousand (impressions)
CPP cost per rating point
CPR category performance ratio
CPRP cost per rating point
CPT cost per thousand (impressions)
CR concentration ratio
CRP cost per rating point / capacity requirements planning
CSR corporate social responsibility
CTR click-through rate
CTV connected television
CX customer experience
DAR day-after recall
DCF discounted cash flow
DINK double income–no kids
DMP data management platform
DPP direct product profitability
DSP demand side platform
DSS decision support system
DTC direct to consumer
EBITDA earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization
eCPM effective cost per mille (thousand)
EDLP everyday low price
EIDR Entertainment Identifier Registry
EVA economic value added
FAK freight all kinds
FAQ frequently asked questions
FAS free alongside ship
FCC Federal Communications Commission
FMCG fast-moving consumer good
FOB free on board
FRT flash recognition training
FTC Federal Trade Commission
FVB financial value of brand
G-D goods-dominant
GDPR General Data Protection Regulation
GI geographical indication
GLA gross leasable area
GMROII gross margin return on inventory investment
GRP gross rating point
GUI graphical user interface
HHI Herfindahl-Hirschman Index
HTML hypertext markup language
HTTP hypertext transfer protocol
HTTPS HTTP Secure or HTTP over SSL (secure socket layer)
ICS Index of Consumer Sentiment
IMC integrated marketing communication
iROAS incremental return on ad spend
IRR internal rate of return
JIT just-in-time (inventory)
KPI key performance indicator
LCV lifetime customer value
LSI latent semantic indexing
LTV lifetime customer value
MarCom marketing communications
MOD media on demand
MIS management information system
MkIS marketing information system
ML machine learning
MMAP Marketing Metric Accountability Protocol
MROI marketing return on investment
MRP maximum reservation price
MSA metropolitan statistical area
MSRP manufacturer suggested retail price
NBD negative binomial distribution
NIL name, image and likeness
NILI name, image, likeness and influence
NPD new product development
NOPAT net operating profit after tax
NPV net present value
OCR optical character recognition
OEM original equipment manufacturer
OOH out-of-home advertising
OTB open to buy
OTS opportunities to see
OTT over-the-top (media)
P4P pay for performance
PACT positioning advertising copy testing
PCV product category volume
PEO Paid-Earned-Owned media model
PESO Paid-Earned-Shared-Owned media model
PFP pay for performance
PLC product life cycle
PMSA primary metropolitan statistical area
POP point of purchase
POS point of sale
PPC pay per click
PR public relations
PR page rank
PRP persuasion rating point
PSA public service announcement
PSM price sensitivity meter
QA quality assurance
QC quality control
QR quick response (delivery system)
QSR quick service restaurant
R&D research and development
RDD random digit dialing
ROAS return on ad spend
ROI return on investment
ROMI return on marketing investment
ROO return of/on objective
ROS return on sales
SaaS software as a service
S-D service dominant
SEO search engine optimization
SERP search engine results page
SM service mark
SINK single income-no kids
SKU stock-keeping unit
SME small and medium enterprises
SMSA standard metropolitan statistical area
SPPD sales per point of distribution
SSL secure socket layer
SVD singular value decomposition
TM trademark
TOMA top-of-mind awareness
TRPs target rating points
TV television
UCC uniform commercial code
UFC uniform freight classification
UPC uniform product code
URL uniform resource locator
USP unique selling proposition
VAR value-adding reseller
VMS vertical marketing system
VNR video news release
VOC voice of the customer
VOD video on demand
WWW worldwide web
XML eXtensible markup language